
#fridayiminlove……Velvet Sofas



I’m obsessing over these velvet sofas from Anthropologie.  I even have Randy agreeing that a teal velvet sofa is EXACTLY what we need in our home.

…..or do I like the scarlet better?

#fridayiminlove – XXOO – Brooke




Packages from home….

Baseball season has ended and Randy is already looking forward to the 2017 season.
His least favorite day of the year? The day after the World Series has finished.
His favorite? The day pitchers report to training camp.

A few weeks ago he received a package from home. His mother had boxed up a few things and sent them out.  Much to my delight, this is what was inside….


Trophies (baseball and hockey) – and old game balls with scores and team names in young Randy’s handwriting.

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XXOO – Brooke


fullsizerender-30I’m in love with my leggings from GoldSheep Clothing!  As much as I  *heart* the artsy/poppy prints, I am even more wowed by what Owner/Designer, Keri Wilson, said when asked how the name of the company came to her.

“When I was growing up in my family I always knew I was different, but never did I feel like I was a black sheep — I was way too bright. A GoldSheep to me is someone who uses their God-given gift to uplift others.”

Let’s all try to be a #goldsheep today!



Lightning Travels – Londontown

If you follow us on Instagram (@lightningwines), you probably noticed I was in England a couple of weeks ago. It was a whirlwind trip of work and fun as I crammed in my favorite things to do while in the London-area.

My trip started off with a Sunday roast dinner after landing in Britain.  It was really my normal Sunday brunchin’ time but I jumped right in with a pint and a huge plate of food drowned in delicious brown gravy.  I was awake so early most mornings that I was able to take some great long runs and explore in the quiet cool before the hustle and bustle.  I love these old cobblestone streets.

IMG_5554IMG_5553 IMG_5552It wouldn’t be right to be in Britain and not have a proper tea (and I do love tiny sandwiches) and hit a fun pub (or two).

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London brought the rain but I had a fantastic dinner at The Lighterman (Granary Square, King’s Cross) – people-watching over the square before finally tossing my horrible travel umbrella away.

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While in Harvey Nichols, I had a great chat about whisky in the Liquor/Spirits department and ended up with a very nice souvenir for R Lightning! I also snapped this photo of a prepared cocktail. I thought Brits hated peanut butter?




Until next time!  XXOO Brooke

Game night!

I was recently inspired to be more open to “game night” by some friends who were excited to play Clue after dinner at their house. (I am not a game player but can tolerate some games so as to avoid looking like a Debbie Downer when in a group setting.)  The biggest surprise? I didn’t hate it!

A few weeks later, I played Cards Against Humanity while on a group vacation and got a great ab workout with all the laughter.  Have I had a change of heart?  Maybe. As long as you don’t make me play Charades.

My next game? I know some very competitive Uno players, so maybe it’s time to brush up on that game so I can surprise them the next time I see them…

As always, everything’s more fun when you have Lightning Wines around. Happy Gaming!

XXOO – Brooke



Grillin’ with Lightning



One of the best things about good weather this summer and early fall, is grilling out back with friends.  IMG_6412Randy and I are often between offices, winery and tasting room, so when we get to the end of a day, it feels great to relax in the backyard with a glass of wine as the air cools down and the sun starts to fade away.

We put everything on the grill – corn, peaches, potatoes, salmon – and of course, steak.  Randy’s go-to seasoning? Grub Rub! He even introduced it to a few Aussies recently and they MIGHT have a new addiction to it!

My simple math equation?
(Salmon + Grub Rub + the grill + ’15 CdP Blanc = Grilling Perfection)


Enjoy these last lingering days of summer and let me know your favorite Lightning + Grilling pairing!

XXOO – Brooke



A packing list for your summer get-away….

Embarking on a fab summer get-away?  You don’t need much… long as you take the essentials!

– Swimsuit (natch)
– A glitzy caftan for lounging by the pool or for cocktails out with the girls.
Garden & Gun magazine
– A great hat (mine is Janessa Leone – LOVE IT!)
– Sunnies
– And a bottle of Lightning wines of course!

XXOO – Brooke


Our newest project: 100% Texas Wine

We’ve been busy.   And I’m behind on my blog posts.  But for good reason!

You’ve heard bits and pieces from us, but we are excited to let everyone know more about our new project soon.  Stay tuned for our new website and Facebook page for our 100% Texas wine…..








Wandering through New Orleans

Randy and I popped into New Orleans much more often when we lived in Houston but we still try to fit it in when we are back home visiting the family.  It’s hard to put a finger on why we love that city so much – just a combination of everything we all love about the Big Easy – the music and food, the people and culture, the attitude and good vibes.

Whether finding a new haunt like Port of Call, or visiting the old favorites like Cafe DuMonde, we always eat way too much.


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Will you see a parade? A mini horse in a bar? A drag queen entertaining business men? Probably, maybe and yes.IMG_3999DSCN0153

A Streetcar Named Desire or the St. Charles Streetcar line?  Pirates Alley or The Funky Pirate?

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I’m starting to get hungry for some BBQ shrimp at Mr. B’s now – better start planning the next trip!



The 500 lb Fire Hydrant

We were given this fire hydrant by a friend of ours in Houston when he was moving to a new home.  After much cursing and a few deep bruises, the two of us were able to hoist this into the back of our car and get it home.


When the time came to move to Napa, we knew we couldn’t leave it behind. The movers were annoyed, it increased the cost of the move by $1jillion (approximately), but it made it to Napa.

We’ve carted it around as we’ve moved here and there around Napa; it’s an old friend from home and a marker for Lightning HQ.  Someone recently asked if we are afraid someone will steal it – and we laughed. No one else would want to pick up the 500 lb fire hydrant but the two of us.

XXOO – Brooke